Please note, while the contents of this blog were true at the time, things no longer stand as descibed below. For a full account of the sitution to date please see the next two blog entries
If you've visited my site recently you'll have noticed I've increased my rates Now I know you're thinking "money grabbing cow" so I'm taking this opportunity to explain my reasons for doing so, I just hope you'll hear me out.
If you've visited my site recently you'll have noticed I've increased my rates Now I know you're thinking "money grabbing cow" so I'm taking this opportunity to explain my reasons for doing so, I just hope you'll hear me out.
The increase in my rates is due entirely to the changes in my circumstances of late. As you'll know if you read this blog or visit my site I no longer have an apartment from which to offer in-calls, and am spending most of my time touring. Needless to say my expenses have gone over the roof, far more so than I could ever hope to cover even with an increase in rates.