Friday 21 September 2012

Wish Lists, An Update

A few months ago I wrote a couple of posts about escort wish lists and promised to publish my own one soon. Now "soon" may not be a defined length of time, but going by the amount of text I managed to produce on the subject, you could be forgiven for expecting me to have added one by now!
My "gifts in place of fees" experiment will have to be put on hold for the time being, but with the recent controversy surrounding the, by now, infamous wish list of Danica from Celebrity Big Brother, now seemed a good time to finally finish and advertise my own Amazon Wish List.
A recent thread on the fabulous escorts forum over at Saafe (a must-read for any newbie escort and those thinking of entering the industry) has alerted me to a danger associated with the Amazon Wish Lists of which I was previously unaware. The idea is you can create a list of things you'd like and people can then treat you to one (or more!) of those items without ever knowing your real name or address - they pay and Amazon delivers without disclosing any details. The problem arises when you add items from other Internet sites to your Amazon Wish List. Apparently there have been incidents where ladies' details have been shared despite their opting to keep them private. As my wish list included items from sources separate from Amazon (most notably Myla and Agent Provocateur,) it's just as well I have neglected to advertise it before now.
It was while browsing other escorts' blogs that I discovered there was a more suitable alternative to the Amazon Wish List for my needs. I spied on the truly excellent blog of Miss Charlotte Dean that it is possible to create a wish list with Love Honey. As the Love Honey site has the best range of sex toys and accessories I've found to date, I shall be starting a list with them this very evening. I hope Miss Charlotte Dean doesn't mind my copying her. Do check out her blog. As I mentioned before, it's really fabulous.


  1. Nice post just like Scottish escorts. A very good article. All the time you had very interesting topics. I appreciate and I am glad that you exist.
    Keep up the good work.

  2. Now the above comment is almost certainly written by some kind of auto-generating software, but it is so infinitely better than 95% of the auto-generated toss out there that I felt it kinda deserved to be published. And the link certainly sounds relevant, so what the heck? Published!
    It's a sign of the times when you're so besieged by spam that you start to appreciate when the spam is of a superior quality.

  3. I'm so looking forward to your Wish list! <3
