Tuesday 18 September 2012

Available for Escort Appointments Again, Finally!

(and a little insight into calling an escort for the first time.)

After an extended break from escorting, I'm pleased to announce that I'm finally available for Chester in-calls once again, as well as out-calls across the North West.
I've had my phone switched on for a few days already - mainly as an experiment to discover how much of a difference is made to the volume of calls my phone receives by updating my site and posting a blog entry. Almost everyone I've spoken to has asked if I'm back from my travels yet. This has delighted me, allow me to explain the reason why.

Clients calling to arrange an escort booking tend to fall into one of two broad categories.

1. The client who's in the area and wants to see an escort, any escort, and wants to see them very soon

This client is acting on impulse with no advance planning. He will search for the details of anyone available in that area. After a quick glance over the photos of everyone found, this client will try calling the listed mobile number of anyone where he likes what he sees. Phrases they're likely to say include:
"I could be there in 20 minutes!"
"What do you charge for half an hour?"
and then there's the one I bet most ladies dread the most:
"Can I have some details please?"
By now you may well be wondering where I'm going with this. After all none of the above are in any way offensive, while the last one is perfectly polite, they even said "please."

2. The client who's been planning his visit for some time

This client has really done his homework. He's researched the ladies working in the area, narrowed it down to a few possibilities, then gone back to visit the sites of those selected on more than one occasion... well you can see where I'm headed. This gentleman (and they almost always are just that: lovely, well-mannered, respectful gentlemen) doesn't just want to see an escort, he wants to meet us - as in ourselves - personally. They tend to be interested in who we are as people, not just what we look like and how much we charge. Clients can fall into this category even if they haven't planned the visit in advance, the key difference (and a better title perhaps) is this client has at least taken the trouble to read the information given on our sites.

Now I don't proclaim to speak for every escort, but I bet I speak for many when I say we really appreciate it when a prospective client takes the time to read the information we've provided on our sites and profiles or, at the very least, the parts relevant to their needs. Of course I'm happy to confirm important points, such as price and/or availability of a specific service, when a meeting is being arranged - far better to do so than risk embarrassment or disappointment after all. What I do not wish to do is give a full description of myself over the phone. Nor do I want to recite a full list the services I offer. And it is just plain awkward to find myself met with stunned silence or an incredulous reaction when my rates are mentioned, from someone who had planned to spend less than £100 on the appointment.

I will not be trying to "sell" a booking when you call.

If you need to be enticed into arranging a meeting, or persuaded into booking when you're in two minds about it all, please don't bother to phone me. That's the purpose of my websites, it's what I put them up there for. I'm more likely to try to talk you out of making a booking than I am try to talk you into it! If anything about our conversation sets alarm bells ringing, or if I even get the feeling we won't "click" I will suggest, as politely as possible, that I may not be quite what you're looking for. It's a luxury I'm afforded by the fact I now limit in-calls to a maximum of four each week, and I'd far rather have no work than take any chances.

So why have I been so delighted to be asked if I'm back in the country again yet? Well it shows the caller has read my site and/or blog at least sufficiently to know the last update I published said I was taking a break to go on my travels. And that means they're my kind of client!

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks for making the sincere effort to explain this. I feel fairly strong about it and would like to read more. If it's OK, as you find out more in depth knowledge, would you mind writing more posts similar to this one with more information?
